Welcome to Biddulph Running Club!

There are several ways to contact us:

By email..........

Club membership & EA questions:Membership Secretary
Club Secretary:Club Secretary
Social Secretary:Social Secretary
General Enquiries and Correspondance:Info

Current 2024 Committee Members.....

Chair Person :Sarah Louise Kirkham
Secretary :Rebecca Cross
Treasurer :Jon Horne
Membership :Dave Bailey
Auditor :Joanne Bailey
Press Officer :Amy Carney
Social media :Katie Brookes/Robbie Burns
Club Champ Results :Jon Horne
Social Secretary :Karen Murphy
Knype Pool Race Coordinator :Dawn Addison Moss/Graham Fisher
Club Kit / Clothing :Mark Payne
Welfare Officer :Karen Wynn
DBS Verifier :Rebecca Cross
Website maintenance :Jon Horne

Committee Members without portfolio.....

Darren Mottram, James Trace

We are always happy to accept help on the club committee (subject to a max limit on numbers). In general the committee is there to give the club official recognition with regard to England Athletics and other running clubs and to keep the club active and running (pardon the pun) smoothly. You may wish to join the committee or take on a role but not know what is involved. For this reason we've produced a document to read at your leisure - more information (pdf) of job roles within club.

Club Kit :

To order kit

Speak to Mark Payne who looks after club kit orders

Club members first running vests are subsidised by the club, Mark can give details of this

Below are some examples of the kit modelled by BRC members

Running Vest - £17.40 (Your first club vest is subsidised by the club so you just pay £10.00 for it)

Club T-Shirt - £21

Club Hi-viz T-Shirt - £21

Club long sleeve T-Shirt - £22.20

Club Tracksuit top - £26.40

Club Tracksuit pants - £16.80

Club Coaching shorts - £14.40

Club Skort - £16.80 (Mark wouldn't model this but you get the idea...

Club Hoodie - £30.00

Club Bobble Hat - £19.44

Kit sizing guide

Biddulph Running Club -
Club Members Group -